Margo A. Feinberg
Managing Partner
margo [at] ssdslaw [dot] com

Areas of Practice
Margo Feinberg, SSD&S's Managing Partner, has successfully represented working people across the country for more than 40 years. She serves both as counsel and as a strategic advisor to several of America's major unions and has pushed boundaries to redefine the law and strengthen rights for private and public sector employees and their exclusive bargaining representatives.
Throughout her career Ms. Feinberg has been called upon to represent unions and their members before the NLRB in representation and unfair labor practice proceedings, in contract arbitrations involving disciplinary and contract interpretation issues, and in employment, enforcement and training matters before various Federal and State administrative agencies. In the past few years she has also devoted significant amounts of time and energy to protecting workers' health and safety in the workplace.
Ms. Feinberg is a prominent figure in the field of municipal legislation, where her legal and legislative strategies have been credited with improving the quality of life of working people across America. She was a primary drafter of the Living Wage Ordinances for the cities of Los Angeles, Oakland, Hayward, and other localities, which served as the model for ordinances throughout the country. Since that time she has crafted a host of other state and local laws that protect workers' and local communities' rights, most recently the hazard pay ordinance and health and safety protections for grocery workers adopted by many California cities in the face of the pandemic.
Ms. Feinberg has decades of experience practicing before the California Public Employment Relations Board in matters pertaining to unfair labor practices, recognition, unit modification, severance, and decertification. From prevailing in a 71-day hearing that first achieved representation rights for California Graduate Student Instructors in 1998 to assisting with the drafting of SB 201 (Skinner), which broadened the definition of an employee under HEERA in 2017, to providing the legal backing and strategy that secured the largest organizing victory of 2021, Ms. Feinberg has played a pivotal role in public sector labor law and the history of PERB itself.
She conducts training seminars on sexual harassment, workplace rights, and other employment laws and has spoken on a wide variety of topics, with a particular emphasis on federal and state employment and civil rights laws.
Professional History
She has received the highest possible AV Preeminent rating by her peers, and has been acknowledged for her outstanding legal work on behalf of the underrepresented with the Honorable Robert W. Kenny Award.
Ms. Feinberg has also served as the National Vice President of the National Lawyers Guild and on the Advisory Board of the AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee. She has served on the boards of various community-based and nonprofit organizations addressing issues of civil rights, women's rights, and economic development.
Ms. Feinberg has been profiled by Los Angeles Magazine as one of 9 Women Who Are Radically Transforming L.A., and honored by the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy's Women for a New Los Angeles for her accomplishments and commitment to economic justice. She lives with her husband and children in the Bay Area.
Hastings College of Law (University of California)
AFL-CIO Union Lawyers Association
National Lawyers Guild