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  • SSDS


Dear Friends and Colleagues of SSDS,

We are writing to share the sad news of the passing of one of our founding and named partners, Robert M. Dohrmann.

Many of you many know Bob from his stellar work on behalf of our clients through the years in both the public and private sector. He also mentored and gave opportunities to many of us as we took on the challenges and joy of serving as union counsel to so many great and historic unions. Bob also modeled what it was to be the consummate professional garnering respect throughout the legal community serving as Chair of both the ABA and LA County Bar Labor and Employment Sections. His keen intellect and humor were key to his success.

The following is the obituary that ran in the LA Times this past weekend. Information regarding the memorial which is set for Saturday, February 17th is included as are suggestions for donations to honor Bob’s memory. Thank you for keeping his family in your thoughts and continuing on his tradition of advancing the cause of working people.

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